Hove seafront by Adelaide CrescentSocial distance queuing at a seafront café. Alison Minns
Hove seafront. Public toiletCoronavirus closure notice. Alison Minns
Hove seafront. Public toiletCoronavirus closure notice. Alison Minns
Hove seafront. Public toiletCoronavirus closure notice. Alison Minns
123 Dyke Road. Hellenic BakerySocially distanced queuing for coffee and pastries. Alison Minns
Brighton seafrontSocially distanced queue for refreshments. Alison Minns
Brighton seafront near the Metropole HotelSigns on pavement for socially distanced queue for temporary women's lavatories. Many visitors came down to Brighton from London because they were unable to go abroad. Alison Minns
Brighton seafront near the Metropole HotelSocially distanced queue for ladies’ portaloo. Alison Minns
Brighton seafrontThese signs ran for metres and metres along the seafront. I took this photo early morning and one wonders how well they were observed once the drinks started to flow later in the day!!! Ron Fitton
Western Road BrightonShoppers waiting for opening time on the day non-essential shops were allowed to re-open. Ron Fitton
Brighton seafrontA number of temporary toilets have been installed on the seafront to cope with all the people flocking there during lockdown. T tch, may have confused some people desperate to use the facilities! Ron Fitton
North Street BrightonAs Winston Churchill once said ‘Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning’. Shoppers queuing after lockdown restrictions eased waiting for a sportswear shop to open – fifteen minutes to go. Ron Fitton
8 King's Esplanade. Marrocco'sCustomers queuing at a social distance to buy ice creams at ice cream parlour, Marrocco's. When they reach the head of the queue they are ushered across the road to wait to make a contactless payment and be served from a hatch. Alison Minns
Western RoadQueuing to enter a supermarket became the order of the day during the pandemic. When this photo was taken, most shops remained closed. Margaret Polmear
Upper North StreetThere were complaints about a shortage of public lavatories but this one seems rather too public. Mary Nixon