What we do
Conservation and Planning
The Regency Society was founded to protest against the potential destruction of Brighton and Hove's historic heritage, and we still work to ensure that our historic townscape and buildings are protected by contributing to Council discussions, promoting our views and advocating good practice.
Our interest is not restricted to the Regency period despite our name. We are keen to support the construction and conservation of high quality townscape and buildings from every era and have a lively interest in the future development of our town and the issues which confront it in the 21st century.
The committee includes members with expertise in relevant disciplines who interact regularly with Council officials and the press. We publish our views on our website and via social media.
Read more about our recent views here
Lectures and events
We hold regular lectures, discussions and social events throughout the winter months. We also hold a summer garden party.
Read more about our lectures and events here
Historic images
We host websites of historic images of Brighton and Hove including the Brighton Prints Collection and the James Gray Photographic Archive, which contains over 7,00 historic photographs of our townscape.
Read more about our image collections here
We publish an update 11 times per year with news of our events and other activities. We also produce the R S Journal twice per year.