An ever-changing town c1540-1780
The Regency Society presents its first summer school: a series of five seminars conducted by Dr Sue Berry.
Brighton’s history from the reign of Henry VIII onwards demonstrates how a town’s ability to respond to challenges wrought by external influences affects both the chances of it prospering or declining and shapes the townscape. Anyone who has ever attended any of Sue's seminars and talks will know how lively and informative they are. You can read the course summary here: Tudor to early Georgian Brighton.
The seminars on five consecutive Tuesday mornings from 11 June to 9 July 2024 at 10:30-12:30 will be held at the Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton BN1 1AF. The series of all five lectures costs £25.00. Numbers are limited to 25, so early booking is advised.
To book through Eventbrite follow this link.
Image: Fishermen Returning to Brighton [RS/Brighton Society of Print Collectors]