This is the comment we have made about the conversion of the St Catherine's Lodge hotel to provide 36 residential units with external alterations, provision of cycle parking, removal of vehicle crossover and reinstatement of the footway to front and rear.
BH2023/03293 9-12 St Catherine’s Terrace, Hove BN3 2RH
The Regency Society and the Hove Civic Society are pleased to support the proposal for the conversion of the hotel to provide 36 residential units.
We commend the thoroughness in tracing the history back to its origins as two pairs of semi-detached villas and analysing the subsequent incremental changes.
We welcome the removal of disfiguring additions and the proposals for new area walls and railings in keeping with surviving original details.
We particularly applaud the sensitivity and care in restoring existing windows as well as creating new dormer windows and partial new roof consistent with the existing.
The creation of bicycle storage is also to be commended, especially in the way it is discreetly located.